The native executable version of the game is highly recommended for an improved experience!

The sandstorms have been getting increasingly violent as the weather inhibitor has started running out of energy. You have been tasked to go out to the desert to bring back ancient energy cells from abandoned monuments.

Beware, the wind is ruthless and the sand will make you blind. In the midst of the storm, your powerful light beacons will help guide you to safety.

Press escape twice to assign keybinds.

⚠️ When the game start, there is a small chance that entrance to the central building (the clock tower) is blocked, making completion impossible... If this happens the only solution is restarting the game :(

Made for the Bevy Jam 5
Team: Augerbine, Aviac, Phlimy, Plooka, Rulrn

Source code:

Sound effects: All sound effects are original except:
- The wind sound is pre-made by  gbayles
- Endscreen sound by Pixabay
Music: One of the tracks is original, and the other 3 are from ArtSlop_Flodur.

Blenvy, avian3d, bevy-inspector-egui, leafwing input manager (full list)


Download 105 MB
Version 1.0.0 51 days ago
way_of_the_sand-macOS-apple-silicon.dmg 104 MB
Version 1.0.0 51 days ago
way_of_the_sand-macOS-intel.dmg 104 MB
Version 1.0.0 51 days ago
Download 97 MB
Version 1.0.0 51 days ago


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This was such an emotionally powerful experience! Incredible work. I couldn't spend the time on more than 1 battery run, but it was quite epic.

Thanks for playing! I'm glad you enjoyed it 😄